2 research outputs found

    Guitar-set preview: a dataset for guitar transcription and more

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    The guitar is a highly popular instrument for a variety of reasons, including its ability to produce polyphonic sound and its musical versatility. The resulting variability of sounds, however, poses significant challenges to auto- mated methods for analyzing guitar recordings. As data driven methods become increasingly popular for difficult problems like guitar transcription, sets of labeled data are highly valuable resources. In this paper we present a pre- view of the Guitar-Set dataset, which will provide high quality guitar recordings alongside rich annotations and metadata. In particular, by recording the instruments us- ing a hexaphonic pickup, we are able to not only provide recordings of the individual strings but also largely auto- mate the expensive annotation process. The dataset will contain recordings of both acoustic and electric guitars, as well as annotations including time-aligned string and fret positions, chords, beats, downbeats, and playing style